Energion Editor Chris Eyre on Panentheism
Energion Editor Chris Eyre discusses panentheism. Read it on his blog, eyrelines.energion.net.
Energion Editor Chris Eyre discusses panentheism. Read it on his blog, eyrelines.energion.net.
Energion Publishing is pleased to feature a new series of podcasts, “Faith on the Edge,” with Dr. Bruce Epperly and Rev. Steve Kindle. They discuss current and recurring topics of interest from the perspective of Process theology. Below is the most recent podcast, and you can access the entire catalog here: https://faithontheedge.org/podcasts https://faithontheedge.org/episode-14-spiritual-decluttering/ Spiritual Decluttering:…
A progressive response to January 7 on OpenHorizons.org from Energion author Jay McDaniel.
The process theology trilogy (informally so known) is on sale at Energion Direct for $10. Shipping and handling there is $3 per order. Here’s the video:
From Open Horizons regarding American Rage.
Process & Faith Renewing Faith Conference This looks like it will be useful to any who have any interest in process theology. It includes Energion Publications author Bruce Epperly as a presenter, and many other excellent participants. You can find out more and register here.