Patricia Adams Farmer on Beauty
Patricia Adams Farmer is author of five books, and is now an Energion author, with her book Beauty and Process Theology.
Patricia Adams Farmer is author of five books, and is now an Energion author, with her book Beauty and Process Theology.
Introduction This article is not precisely about process theology, but I think it is valuable to hear the perspective. There are different ways of thinking of the relationship between various faiths. On Energion author, Herold Weiss, in his book Finding My Way in Christianity, discusses exclusivism, inclusivism, and pluralism. In summary, exclusivism says that only…
Bruce Epperly is an Energion author, with many books from other publishers as well.
From Process Theology and Martin Luther King, Jr.: Seven Similarities.
This book provides an introduction to open and relational theology which includes process theology. Robert D. Cornwall reviews. You can buy the book here.
Dr. Bruce Epperly, author of the book Finding God in Suffering: A Journey with Job, will be providing some comments to help you preach and teach the passages from this important book during the month of October. Here is his second video. Learn More