Becoming Simon of Cyrene
Sometimes we help God in God’s suffering like Simon of Cyrene, from
Sometimes we help God in God’s suffering like Simon of Cyrene, from
What is listening? It is the act of being present, of being aware, of being open and available, to what is given for experience, in a respectful and attentive way. Open Horizons “God as the Deep Listening”
Introduction This article is not precisely about process theology, but I think it is valuable to hear the perspective. There are different ways of thinking of the relationship between various faiths. On Energion author, Herold Weiss, in his book Finding My Way in Christianity, discusses exclusivism, inclusivism, and pluralism. In summary, exclusivism says that only…
Bruce Epperly’s Books
From Energion author Patricia Adams Farmer, author of the forthcoming book Beauty and Process Theology, has written about wearing masks and kindness.