The God of Tomorrow on
They have a sale price of $17.66.
Sometimes we help God in God’s suffering like Simon of Cyrene, from
A good, thought provoking read: After the Cultural Backlash – Imagining a Process Populism.
From Energion author Bruce Epperly: Process Theology and the Coronavirus. God’s presence in the world challenges us to hopeful action and not panic. Bruce Epperly More Info More Info
I am a prophet of process theospirituality: the affirmation that spirituality and theology emerge in dynamic interdependence. Bruce Epperly, Process Theology and Mysticism, p. 8 (pre-order) These three books by Dr. Bruce Epperly are scheduled to ship about December 5, 2023. Due to a combination of pre-order and Black Friday/Cyber Monday pricing, each book is…
The Interfaith Hospice Care Worker from Jay McDaniel is the co-author with John B. Cobb, Jr. of Choosing Life: Ecological Civilization as the World’s Best Hope.
What is listening? It is the act of being present, of being aware, of being open and available, to what is given for experience, in a respectful and attentive way. Open Horizons “God as the Deep Listening”