Jay McDaniel reviews Bruce Epperly’s book *The God of Tomorrow*. I love this kind of review … specific and challenging with a contribution to more thinking on the book’s topic!
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What is listening? It is the act of being present, of being aware, of being open and available, to what is given for experience, in a respectful and attentive way.
Open Horizons “God as the Deep Listening”
They have a sale price of $17.66.
This is also from OpenHorizons.org:
You could say I subscribe to a philosophy centered on kindness and beauty, viewing them as guiding principles that enrich my life and foster a sense of connection to something larger than myself, even if I don’t attribute these phenomena to a divine entity.
Open and Relational Atheism at OpenHorizons.org
I am a prophet of process theospirituality: the affirmation that spirituality and theology emerge in dynamic interdependence.
Bruce Epperly, Process Theology and Mysticism, p. 8 (pre-order)
These three books by Dr. Bruce Epperly are scheduled to ship about December 5, 2023. Due to a combination of pre-order and Black Friday/Cyber Monday pricing, each book is $4.24 with quantity discounts available.
Learn more on Energion Direct:
Jay McDaniel posts ten reasons poetry is superior to philosophy and theology.
Of course we need philosophy, too. And theology as well. But wouldn’t it be nice if, sometimes, philosophers and theologians alike thought more poetically?
Open Horizons
Check out the rest of his post. It’s fascinating!
I might hope that Process could become far more widely espoused, given that when it comes to application, I find…
thanks for the response, Chris, I am in full agreement....some people the "or" when presented with either-or options....absolutism or atheism...
What Childers is putting forward is both a "slippery slope" and an "excluded middle" argument. The trouble is, what Bruce…