They have a sale price of $17.66.
Category: Sales
I am a prophet of process theospirituality: the affirmation that spirituality and theology emerge in dynamic interdependence.
Bruce Epperly, Process Theology and Mysticism, p. 8 (pre-order)
These three books by Dr. Bruce Epperly are scheduled to ship about December 5, 2023. Due to a combination of pre-order and Black Friday/Cyber Monday pricing, each book is $4.24 with quantity discounts available.
I might hope that Process could become far more widely espoused, given that when it comes to application, I find…
thanks for the response, Chris, I am in full agreement....some people the "or" when presented with either-or options....absolutism or atheism...
What Childers is putting forward is both a "slippery slope" and an "excluded middle" argument. The trouble is, what Bruce…